He will hold you fast

A friend posted a story on June 2 about a tragic accident that had happened to the young daughter of a minister in New Jersey and requested that prayers be lifted up for her recovery. I do not know this minister, but I was happy to oblige, so I clicked on the link which led me to the post "Lucy's Story: Calamity Strikes." As Michelle and I read this together, we found ourselves lifting up prayers of lament to the Lord on behalf of this family. In the days following, more than once I had to fight back the tears as I read the updates and prayed for God's graces to be upon them. On June 5, Lucy went home to be with Jesus.

I want to encourage you to read the posts written by Lucy's father, Jesse. As the story unfolds, it proves to be one of how God provides grace in the midst of tragedy and this dear family prove to be examples for us all on how to suffer well by keeping our eyes fixed upon our hope in Christ.

I included the first link which is an announcement of the minister's upcoming Sabbatical because I found it to be very helpful to read the words of a man who has no idea what he and his family will soon face. It was a good reminder that we have no idea what tomorrow may bring and so we should prepare now for whatever may come. I hope these posts will help you to do just that.

We owe Jesse a great debt of gratitude for allowing us a view into his family's story. This is truly a gift to the church.

Rest, Recalibration, Re-entry: Sabbatical 2024 – New Creation Living

Lucy’s Story: Calamity Strikes – New Creation Living

Lucy Update Day 2: Our Cloud of Witnesses – New Creation Living

Lucy Update Day 3: Tears = Food – New Creation Living

Lucy Update Day 4-5: Groaning, Double-Guessing, Grace and Gas – New Creation Living

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